Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My Granddaughter's Art Journal

Hello creative friends.  Unfortunately I am still focused on completing the class for work that I have to do and have not been doing much by the way of art lately.  Such is the life of a creative person.  It is always a struggle to find time to be creative and balance it with everything else going on in our lives.  However, I have committed to blogging weekly and documenting my progress, process and struggles as an artist so here we go.  I've talked about how I love to art journal with my granddaughter before and someday doing a post on her art journals.  So I decided to do that this week. 

When my children were younger I would always try to encourage them to be creative and artistic.  Most times they were not very interested.  But I always have so much fun when my granddaughter comes to stay.  She loves painting and art journaling.   She is so creative and loves to just play all day in the art room.  I set up an area for her with her own paints, markers, stamps, etc., partly so she has her own supplies and partly so she doesn't use up all of mine.  Here are some pics from her art journals.

 Children are so creative and have none of the hang-ups that we develop as we get older.  Creating art with a child helps you to loosen up, have fun and not take your art so seriously.  They can be so inspiring.  Do you have opportunities to create art with a child?  With your own, a friends, a relative or otherwise?  I would love to hear about.  Until next time, have a great week.

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